English links

Daily news on Israel



Israel 21st Century News

Israel National News

The Jerusalem Post

The Times of Israel




Jabotinsky Institute

Likud Olami (Likud World Organisation)


Background information on Israel and the Middle East

About.com Judaism

America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

Anti Defamation League

Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America

Honest reporting

Information Regarding Israels Security

Israel Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Memri: Middle East Media & Research Institute


Palestinian Media Watch



Mahal-IDF-Volunteers.org: Israeli Defense Forces volunteering

World Zionist Organization

Zionist Organization of America


Lists of jewish www sites




Daily Alert, prepared by the Major American Jewish organizations Daily press review on Israel.

Daily Briefing of the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research Daily the two most interesting articles from the press.

Memri: Middle East Media Research Institute mailings A few times a week translations from the Arab media.

Palestinian Media Watch About once a week translations from the Palestinian media.

Arutz Sheva Daily News Service Daily news and backgrounds.

HonestReporting Communique Once or twice a week a report on dishonest reporting in the media.



Israelische vlag


English sites with a link to us

Academic Kids: Likud

Bais Chabad Torah Center

Center for Media and Democracy: Likud

Eretz Yizroel

Favos: Israel

Geometry.net: Israel government


Haruth: Jewish Netherlands

Jacob Richman: Israel – politics / zionism

Jewish Eye: Zionism

Jewish Virtual Library

Middle-East-Info.org: links


Newsfollowup: Zionism

News Insider: Israel links


Political Resources: Israel

Think Israel: news

University of Florida: lecture links

Wikipedia: Likud

Zionism and Israel Links

Zionist book club: links