Fact sheet of the Peace proposol of president Donald Trump, Januari 28, 2020. "We are not here to lecture—we...
Hamas: A Document of General Principles and Policies Published May 2017 Preamble Palestine is the land of...
Report of the Commission to Examine the Status of Building in Judea and Samaria, a legal panel headed by Supreme...
Statement by the White House, June 6, 2011. "For the Palestinians, efforts to delegitimize Israel will end in failure. Symbolic...
May 23, 2011. He got 26 standing ovations! Two years ago, I publicly committed to a solution of two states...
Report Summary, Turkel Commission, January 23, 2011. 1. For reasons detailed below, on January 3, 2009 Israel established a...
Council of Europe press release, July 23, 2009. Explanation Likud of Holland: A boyott of Israeli product was condemned...
June 14, 2009. Peace has always been our people's most ardent desire. Our prophets gave the world the vision...
Published in 2009 Introduction “This political document also comes as a result of the responsibility of sacrifice that we have...
Memorandum of Understanding Between Israel and the United States Regarding Prevention of the Supply of Arms and Related Materiel to...
September 16, 2008. The Palestinians never gave a reaction. A territorial solution between Israel and the Palestinian state would be...
November 27, 2007. The representatives of the government of the state of Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, represented...
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5511th meeting, on 11 August 2006. The Security Council, Recalling all its...
Text and vote of House of Representatives Resolution 575, December 16, 2005. Whereas the foundation for the Israeli-Palestinian peace...
November 15, 2005. On November 15, 2005, negotiators from Israel and the Palestinian Authority achieved an agreement on movement and...
June 6, 2005. Main Principles 1. Background - Political and Security Implications The State of Israel is committed to the...
September 2, 2004. Adopted by Vote Of 9 in Favour, to None Against, with 6 Abstentions. (Security Council Resolutions are...
This definition was agreed upon by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) of the European Union on March...
Statement from the Prime Minister's Bureau,Israel Government Press Office, May 25, 2003 A. The Government of Israel, today (Sunday),...
Road Map The following is the text of the 'Road Map' created by the Quartet (United States, United Nations,...
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