Abbienetvision, January 22, 2012.
Who is native to Israel’s land? Is it really the Arabs, who claim to be? Or is that just fiction? When did the Arabs settle in Israel? Do they go back to time immortal, the way it is heard over and over in the media?
Adriani Relandi in 1696 was one of the many who traveled the land and wrote about what was in the area, as did many others
All report the same findings: Siebald Rieter,Johann Tucker, Arnold Van Harff ,Father Michael Nuad, Martin Kabatnik,Felix Fabri, Count Constantine Francois Volney,Alphonse de Lamartine, Mark Twain,Sir George Gawler, Sir George Adam Smith,Edward Robinson – found Palestine virtually empty, except for Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Safed, Shechem, Hebron,Gaza,Ramleh,Acre, Sidon, Tyre, Haifa, Irsuf, Caesarea, and El Arish, and throughout Galilee towns – Kfar Alma, Ein Zeitim, Biria, Pekiin, Kfar Hanania, Kfar Kana, Kfar Yassif.
To stay, these Jews had submitted to innumerable conquerors, taxes, pogroms and degradation. But they stayed. In 1799, Palestine was still so much in need of people that Napoleon Bonaparte championed a full-scale return of Jews.
“The land in Palestine is lacking in people to till its fertile soil”. British archaeologist Thomas Shaw, mid-1700’s
“Palestine is a ruined and desolate land”. Count Constantine François Volney, XVIII century French author and historian
“The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is of a body of population”. James Finn, British Consul in 1857
“Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata” – a detailed geographical survey of Palestine in 1696 written in Latin by Adriaan Reland published by Willem Broedelet, Utrecht, in 1714.
Residents of the country mainly concentrated in cities: Jerusalem, Acre, Safed, Jaffa, Tiberias and Gaza.
In most cities, the majority of residents are Christians, Jews and others, very few Muslims who generally are Bedouin, seasonal workers who came to serve as Seasonal workers in agriculture or building. v v
Nablus: 120 muslims, 70 Samaritans
Nazareth: 700 people – all Christians
Umm al-Fahm: 50 people-10 families, ALL Christian
Gaza: 550 people- 300 Jews,250 Christian(Jews engaged in agriculture ,Christians deal with the trading and transporting the products)
Tiberias: 300 residents, all Jews.
Safed: about 200 inhabitants, all Jews
Jerusalem :5000 people,most of them (3,500) Jews,the rest – Christian (1000) Muslim (500)