HONNESTVIEW, September 24, 2011.
Resolving the Israel–Palestine conflict is tough enough; it becomes almost impossible when one side insists on lying about the conflict’s origins.
Lie 1
His distorted view of history
of the Holy Land,
speaks of “the ascension of
the Prophet Mohammad
and the birthplace of Jesus Christ,”
but has no room for Jewish prophets
like Isaiah or Jeremiah
or King David or King Solomon,”
Lie 2
Abbas charges that “Arabs
have been under occupation for 63 years”,
he lays bare before the entire world
that the core issue for the Palestinians
isn’t Israeli settlements established
as a result of the 1967 Six Day War,
but the very legitimacy of Israel
from the day of its founding in 1948.
Simply put his view of reality
has no room for a Jewish state.
Lie 3
“We entered those negotiations
with open hearts and attentive ears
and sincere intentions,
and we were ready with our documents,
papers and proposals”.
But the negotiations broke down
just weeks after their launch.
Palestinians carried out 150 rocket
and 215 mortar launches at Israel during 2010.
Gaza Terrorists Have Already Fired
over 328 Rockets at Israel in 2011
Lie 4
“Settlement activities embody the core
of the policy of colonial military occupation
of the land of the Palestinian people
and all of the brutality of aggression
and racial discrimination against our people”.
But The Palestinian Authority government
deliberately incited its population
to terrorism prior to the slaughter
of the Fogel family on the Sabbath.
“The occupation is racing
against time to redraw
the borders on our land ”
The term 1967 borders,
the Arab world’s mantra
for the borders of a PA state,
never existed.
Lie 5
“The occupying Power also continues
to undertake excavations that threaten our holy places.
Abbas is saying that Jews have no historical rights
with Jerusalem”.
But The Koran does not mention Jerusalem
because Mohammed never set foot in the city.
Jerusalem is and has always been a holy city to Jews.
The daily prayers of the Jews are focused on Jerusalem.
The Hebrew Bible mentions Zion and Jerusalem
a total of 809 times.
Lie 6
“The goal of the Palestinian people
is the realization of their inalienable national rights
in their independent State of Palestine,
with East Jerusalem as its capital,
which Israel occupied in the June 1967 war”.
Jerusalem was not meant to be part of the Arab state
in the 1947 partition plan, but rather an international city.
He is using Jordan’s illegal occupation
as a legal basis for his own claim to the city.
Yet Israel’s annexation is, to him, illegal.
Lie 7
“Our people will continue their popular
peaceful resistance to the Israeli occupation
and its settlement and apartheid policies”.
But Resistance for the palestinians
means killing of civilians.
Maen Areikat a PLO official said that Palestine
will be free of Jews: “Judenrein”
Such a state would be the first
to officially prohibit Jews
or any other faith since Nazi Germany.
Lie 8
In 1974, our deceased leader Yasser Arafat
came to this hall and assured the Members
of the General Assembly of our affinnative
pursuit for peace, urging the United Nations
to realize the inalienable national rights
of the Palestinian people, stating:
“Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.”
And he was responsible for the deaths of countless people
even after he made that statement.
Yet Abbas considers him a hero
Lie 9
“When we adopted this program,
we were taking a painful and very difficult step
for all of us, especially those, including myself,
who were forced to leave their homes
and their towns and villages…
(referring to the so called 1948 Nakba)”
But Abbas himself admitted his family left
voluntarily and never saw an Israeli soldier.
Lie 10
“The PLO and the Palestinian people adhere
to the renouncement of violence and rejection
and condemning of terrorism in all its forms”
But The at the exact same time,
The Plo has agreed to be “unified” with Hamas
which continues to Fire Rockets into Israel
with its openly stated desire to annihilate Israel.
Not a single word about Hamas in the entire speech.
Yet they are supposedly his “partners”.