Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin, May 12, 2010.
The message that all of Israel is stolen “Palestinian” land was repeated twice in
the last week on official Palestinian Authority (PA) television.
In the most recent episode of the weekly program We Are Returning,
this denial of Israel’s right to exist led to a concrete demand. The PA TV
narrator called for Jews to leave Israel and go to Europe and Ethiopia – “your
original homeland.” PA TV also added a visual message of non-recognition of
Israel. The camera focused on a drawing of a map that included all of Israel, but
showed Israel erased and covered entirely by the Palestinian flag.
PA TV is owned by the Palestinian Authority, and is the responsibility of the
office of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
Educating its people, especially its children, that Israel has no right to
exist because Israel is “stolen” is a cornerstone of PA policy. Palestinian
children are taught in their schoolbooks:
It should be noted that the US government has conditioned its contacts with
the Palestinian Authority on the PA’s “unambiguous and explicit” recognition of
Israel. US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton: “We will work only with a
Palestinian Authority government that unambiguously and explicitly accepts the
Quartet’s principles … recognition of Israel…”
The following is a transcript of the excerpt on PA TV.
To view the clip click here.
Palestinian narrator: “I’m from Jaffa, I’m from Haifa I’m from Acre, I’m
from Nazareth, I’m from Gimzu, I’m from Zakariya, I’m from Ein Kerem. (All are
cities and towns in Israel, – Ed.) Where are you from? Where are you
Of course, you’re from Ukraine; of course, you’re from Germany, from
Poland, from Russia, from Ethiopia, the Falasha (a pejorative term for Ethiopian
Jews, Ed.) Why have you stolen my homeland and taken my place? Please, I
ask of you, return to your original homeland, so that I can return to my original
homeland. This is my homeland; go back to your homeland!”
Also on Feb. 26 of this year, a PA TV children’s program taught children to see
all of Israel as “occupied Palestine.”
The PA TV host was discussing Israeli Arab children who watched the
PA TV program, but she refrained from mentioning the existence of Israel.
Instead she referred to Israeli Arabs as: “Our friends from the 1948 territories –
the occupied territories.” Then she addressed the Israeli Arab children as
“Dear children: We will
definitely always remain in contact with you… this program is definitely yours
too, just as it belongs to every Palestinian child, since you are part of occupied