The Middle East Media Research Institute Special Dispatch, February 25, 2010.
Note of Likud of Holland: typical speach of a country that according to some wants peace.
On the eve of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Syria, set for
February 25, 2010, during which he is to meet with Syrian President Bashar
Al-Assad, Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, and Hamas political
bureau head Khaled Mash’al, the Syrian government daily Teshreen published a
front-page article by columnist Muhammad Sadeq Al-Husseini, who is close to
the Iranian regime, in which he predicted the imminent end of Israel in light of
the new balance of terror that Iran has created vis-a-vis the West.
Following are the excerpts from the article in ‘Teshreen’ of February 24, 2010.
Iran Has Created a New Balance of Terror
“… Ahmadinejad’s tone towards the West is increasingly harsh, and he is
setting these facts before it:
1) Iran will cut off any hand extended against it from anywhere in the world.
2) The world must know that nothing can happen in the region without Iran.
3) The world must know that the future security of the region, and of the
world, will be achieved only through cooperation with Iran…
President Ahmadinejad is preparing to visit sister and ally Syria. He
spoke with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman and the leader of Lebanese
Hizbullah, Hassan Nasrallah, and reiterated statements he had made the
previous week to Assad on the phone – Iran will stand
fast alongside Syria and Lebanon if Tel Aviv acts stupidly and attacks them.
Moreover, he hinted at the end of the existence of Israel (the regime). This
means that there is a new balance of terror between the so-called Syria-Iran
axis and the U.S.-Israel axis…
Iran, like Syria and Lebanon, will from now on not permit in which
any of them will fight alone in the war that Tel Aviv has for some
time been trying to involve the U.S. in…
The resolute and determined response of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid
Al-Mu’allem to the lies of the neighborhood bully, Lieberman, marked the emergence of new positions. The first and
foremost of these was last week’s very important
statements by Hizbullah’s secretary-general… vengeance for the
martyr ‘Imad Mughniya will not be offhand, but will be on a scale
of Imad Mughniya – and it is we who will choose
the date, place, and type of response.
If we add these statements to past statements , i.e. that ‘Imad
Mughniya’s blood will eradicate Israel, we find that from now on Israel is not
facing wars in which there is a loser and a victor – rather, wars of
the sort that will change the face of the region, as Nasrallah put it.
Changing the face of the region means one of two things: either ending the
Arab-Israeli conflict, which has continued now for 60 years, a
just and comprehensive ‘peace,’ – which is not possible to achieve with this
squatting, destructive colonialist entity that is foreign to the identity of the
region – or the disappearance of this entity, just as it has been forced upon us,
from the end of World War II to this day.
The current balance of terror between the two axes… indicates that the second
possibility is more likely…
Israel’s Continued Existence Can No Longer Be Tolerated
The U.S. – which has become the official and only patron of the Zionist entity in
its neo-Fascist-Nazi form, whose terrorist Likud government is in a state of
moral isolation – must give some serious thought to drawing the lines of the
new Middle East of which it has dreamed, but this time, without Israel. More
accurately, without the Zionist regime, so that no one will think
that the Arabs and Muslims are planning a war of extermination against the
Jews as Jews…
The Arabs and the Muslims, with all their various groups, can no longer tolerate
the continuation of this aberrant situation that was forced on them at the end of
World War II. The time has come for this matter to be decided once and for all,
as stated by Ahmadinejad, who speaks for the absolute and overwhelming
majority of the nation.
Everything is nearly at a standstill, suspended and postponed, until the solution
of this complex problem, whose real name is the existence of this cancerous
growth ‘Israel’… Today, the Arab nation has all the tools necessary
for its loyal sons to carry out this surgical procedure. The West, headed by the
U.S., is left with only two choices: Either it performs this surgical procedure by
laser, if it wishes – that is, without a wound, by dismantling this military camp
or aircraft carrier that is squatting on the Arab and Muslim –
or we Arabs and Muslims will be forced to carry out this surgical procedure
using the means at our disposal, which enable us to do this, because this
cannot be tolerated any longer…”