Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), July 3, 2009.
In a special broadcast of a Hamas TV children’s program, the two young children of female suicide terrorist Reem Riyashi were invited to the TV studio to watch a video re-enactment of their mother’s suicide bombing in 2004, which killed four Israelis.
Hamas hosts children of suicide terrorist Reem Riyashi
“ the children of the Shahida Reem Riyashi.”
(Children in Hamas studio are shown video reenactment of terrorist Reem Riyashi preparing for suicide bombing in front of daughter; singer asks in the daughter’s name:)
“Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me?”
(Reem prepares bomb.)
“A toy or a present for me?”
(Mother hides bomb.)
“Comb back quickly, Mommy.”
(Camera on children watching reenactment.)
“Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us.”
(Reenactment of encounter with Israeli soldiers and suicide bombing.)
(In the studio:) “These are the children of the Shahida , the heroic Jihad fighter who sacrificed all that she had for her homeland. She cared less about her own flesh and blood, and for their sake, she sacrificed for Allah.”
(Child host:) “We say to the occuper that we will continue in the footsteps of the Shahida , the Jihad fighter Reem Riyashi, until we liberate our homeland from your hands, usurper.”