February 3, 2009.
Palestinian youngsters have a new martyr to emulate when they grow older and
join the battle to exterminate Israel. Once more, Hamas’ TV channel has
perverted children’s programming by sending a cuddly character to death as a
recruiting tool for jihad.
There is no mistaking the Al Aqsa TV show “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” for
“Sesame Street.” Its death rate is stomach-turning. Farfur, the mouse, was
beaten to death by an Israeli policeman. Nahul, the bee, died when an Israeli
blockade prevented him from getting to the hospital. And now Assud, the
bunny, who once vowed to “finish off the Jews and eat them,” has died in the
Israeli bombing of Gaza.
His deathbed scene was captured by the Middle East Media Research Institute
at www.memritv.org. Assud tells his friend Saraa:
“The Zionist enemy is treacherous, and it kills everything, but I never
thought it would kill the children of Palestine and that it would bomb the Al
Aqsa TV station.
“I went to Al Aqsa TV when they said it would be bombed. I collected
the gifts, books, magazines and stories, which belong to the children of
“Tell them that Assud died a martyr’s death, Saraa. We should teach our
children that we have a land to which we must return: Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and
Tel Aviv. We will return to all these cities, Allah willing.”
After Assud dies, Saraa wails: “Don’t die, Assud. Victory is near. The soldiers
of the Pioneers of Tomorrow will grow up. O, Palestine, we will liberate your
soil, Allah willing. We will liberate it from the filth of the Zionists. We will purify
it with the soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow.”
What hope can there be as long as Hamas steeps the most innocent of the
Palestinians in a culture of death?