By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin, October
9, 2007.
The Palestinian Authority (Fatah) daily newspapers political cartoon today
illustrated a prayer for the killing of Americans. A Muslim is shown kneeling in
prayer facing a US B-2 Stealth Bomber. The words of his prayer are encased in
missiles aimed at Americans:
“Allah, scatter them!
And turn their wives into widows!
And turn their children into orphans!
And give us victory over them!”
This curse for the death of Americans is a special prayer for Al-Qadr Night (the
27 th day of Ramadan, noted in the corner of the cartoon), when Muslims
customarily pray in mosques throughout the night.
This continues the identification by the PA and Mahmoud Abbass Fatah faction
with those who fight and kill Americans. The most recently published 12 th
grade PA schoolbooks, for example, call those who fight American soldiers in
Iraq “brave resistance”.