January 27, 2007.
Fatah chief and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority (PA)
television has been repeatedly broadcasting a hate-filled music video calling for
the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish people from Israel.
“My enemy, oh snake! Around the land, you are coiled. You have no
choice, oh enemy, but to leave my country,” is the refrain in the video, which
has been broadcast on a daily basis for the past several months, according to
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
“The song’s refrain, ‘My enemy, oh enemy,’ is repeated over and over
throughout the song. Israel is not even given the courtesy of a name, but is
tagged with such labels as ’treacherous,’ ‘imperialism’ and a ‘coiled snake,'”
PMW Director Itamar Marcus points out. “The Palestinian is portrayed
as a heroic victim who courageously confronts the evil ‘enemy’ Israel.”
The song incites Arabs living under Fatah’s rule in Judea and Samaria to
fight to the death to rid the land of Jews, assuring them that, through this, they
will ultimately prevail: “You have no choice, oh enemy, but to leave my
country,” it says.
“The goal of this music video clip is to inculcate loathing of Israel and
anticipation of its destruction,” Marcus explains. “The repeated broadcast over
recent months by Fatah-controlled television is consistent with other
Arabic-language hate messages currently being disseminated – in spite of the
peace talks.”
PA TV first aired the music video in 2004 and resumed its broadcast in
October, 2007. It was broadcast throughout the Annapolis conference as well
as during US President George W. Bush’s visit to Israel, PMW reports. It
continues to be aired on almost a daily basis.
The following is the text of the hate video:
“My enemy. Oh, my enemy.
Stop your crimes.
Treaty breaker! Treacherous!…
If you pull out my eyes,
My heart will see. (x2)
If you cut off my hands,
My chest is knives and swords.
My enemy! Oh imperialism!
This homeland is ours. (x2)
This land will be tilled
only by our hoes. (x2)
Whenever the tension rises,
Whenever this land weeps, (x2)
the flower will return
to grow in our house.
My enemy. Oh, my enemy.
Stop your crimes.
Treaty breaker! Treacherous!…
My enemy! Oh snake!
Around the land, you are coiled. (x2)
We, noble, courageous,
on the day of ruin , shall stand.
You have no choice, Oh enemy,
but to leave my country.
And my children will return.