The Syrian media, controlled by Bashar Assad’s regime, continue to justify
terrorist activities and to support the organizations carrying them out. In its
commentaries, which seethe with hatred and incite terrorists to murder
innocent civilians, the Syrian media glorify the suicide bombers, encourage the
carrying out of other suicide bombing attacks and completely ignore the lull.
At the same time, Syria still refuses to comply with the international
community’s demand to remove terrorist headquarters from its territory and it
allows the leadership of the PIJ and Hamas to continue using Damascus as a
base from which to direct terrorist activities against Israel .
The Syrian news media also glorified the suicide bombing attack carried
out on October 26 in Hadera by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a terrorist
organization directed from Damascus and supported by Syria and Iran. The
following are quotations from Fayiz Qandil, a commentator for Radio Damascus’
Voice of Palestine programs (October 27, 2005):
Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special
Studies (C.S.S), October 30, 2005.
“On October 26 the Palestinian people, through shaheed Hassan Abu Zayid , dealt a crushing blow to the Israeli terrorists and war criminals
in Hadera, the Jewish-Zionist settlement city [ Note: Israeli cities are often
called ‘settlements’ to delegitimize their existence and justify terrorist attacks.]”
“One of the young heroes took his life in his hands and stormed a
group of Israeli war-criminal occupiers in the settlement of Hadera. [ Note: The
casualties of the attack were innocent civilian victims minding their own
business in the market in Hadera. The Syrian media refer to all Israelis as ‘war
criminals.’] sent some to their graves and dozens of others to
hover between life and death.”
“The Israeli war criminals can whine to the international media about what they
call ‘Palestinian terrorism’ and threaten the Palestinian people with punishment
and destruction, but the murdering Israeli terrorists know full well what they
have done themselves, and how the Palestinian people will take revenge.”
“The enemies of the Palestinian people have brought the jihad-fighting people to
the end of its patience. They have made it clear that the Israeli occupation will
only be overcome through resistance and martyrdom for the sake of Allah , which break the back of Israeli
“After the Israeli scorpions committed the crime of assassinating the heroic
shaheed Luai Sa’adi [ Note: formerly head of the PIJ infrastructure in northern
Samaria responsible for suicide bombing attacks in Tel Aviv, Netanya and
Hadera, among others.], his brothers and comrades in the revolution sent out the hero of the Palestinian people Hassan Abu
Zayid .
He crossed the racist separation wall and thus proved to the Zionist occupiers that no wall in the world can or
will protect Israeli terrorism.”
“Let Israel and the Israeli war criminals know that they will receive the daunting
punishment they deserve at the hands of Palestinian heroes.”