Special Dispatch by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), August
17, 2004.
Note of Likud of Holland: This is a good example how antisemitism is
deeply embedded in Arab society, even in ‘moderate’ Egypt.
Hussam Wahba, a columnist for the religious Egyptian weekly magazine
‘Aqidati,(1) published by the Al-Tahrir foundation which is linked to the ruling
National Democratic Party, wrote an article based upon blood libels and
accusing Judaism of promoting ritual murder.(2) The following are excerpts
from his article: (3)
On the Main Entrance to the Knesset it is inscribed: ‘Compassion Toward a
Non-Jew is Forbidden’
“… The Jews forgot that their primary constitution, on which they rely, is full
of intellectual religious terrorism against all other nations. Aqidati decided to
wage a battle against International Zionism in order to expose the extent of
terrorism that exists in the Zionist doctrinal mind.
The truth of the matter is that the Jews themselves do not deny Zionist terrorism. Whoever visits the Israeli parliament known as
‘The Knesset’ will notice at the main entrance a sentence written on the wall
saying: ‘Compassion towards a non-Jew is forbidden, if you see him fall into a
river or face danger, you are prohibited from saving him because all the nations
are enemies of the Jews and when a non-Jew falls into a ditch, the Jew should
close the ditch on him with a big boulder, until he dies, so that the enemies will
lose one person and the Jews will be able to preserve their dream of the
Promised Land, the Greater Israel!’
“This sentence is taken from the Jewish Talmud which is holier that the Torah
itself, and was described by the Israeli Ministry of Education in the lexicon that
it published at the beginning of this year for primary school students in Israel
as: ‘The Talmud is the oral Torah which Moses received from his Creator. It
contains commandments, which every Jew must perform. The Talmud is the
holy book of the Israelites and its sanctity equals or even surpasses that of the
The Jews’ Sacred Obligation to Murder ‘Goyim’
“Dr. Muhammad Abdalla Al-Sharqawi says in his book ‘The Talmudic Scandals’
that the Talmud … exposes the hidden aspects of the Jewish psyche…
The Jewish Rabbis came up with it as a result of the deep distress over
exile and fragmentation, which cultivated in the Jewish psyche hatred
and loathing and a raging need for vengeance and tyrannical control over
non-Jewish nations. To this day Jewish life is based to a great extent on the
Talmudic dictates and principles…
“Dr. Al-Sharqawi adds that if we examine the Talmudic attitude toward other,
non-Jewish nations, we will find it to be as close as can be to a desire to
completely annihilate the ‘Goyim’ – the non-Jewish nations.
For instance, the Talmud says: ‘Murdering a non-Jew whenever possible
is an obligation. A Jew is a sinner if he can murder non-Jews but does not do
so. And a Jewish priest who blesses a person who brings evidence that
he murdered one or more non-Jews is a blessed priest. Murdering non-Jews
pleases God, because the flesh of non-Jews is the flesh of donkeys and their
sperm is the sperm of animals.’
“The Talmud also says ‘Kill anyone who is not Jewish even if he is pious. The
Jews are prohibited from saving from death any member of the other nations,
or rescue him from a ditch in which he fell, because that would mean saving an
idolater, even though he is pious.’
“Also, the Talmud says that ‘it is righteous for a Jew to kill a non-Jew with his
own hands, because whoever kills a non-Jew is offering a sacrifice to God…’
“The Talmud also contains instructions to the Jew that if the non-Jew is
stronger than him, he should do anything in his power to bring about his death
even in an indirect manner and to pin the blame on a non-Jewish nation; this
may cause a conflict between two non-Jewish nations to the point of fighting
and destroying each other. Then, God will reward any Jew who contributed to
the conflict between the two nations with eternal life in Paradise…
“The Talmud did not only deal with killing non-Jews, but permitted the violation
of their honor and property, when it says: ‘The Jew is not in the
wrong if he rapes a non-Jewish woman, because non-Jewish women are
“Dr. Al-Sharqawi concludes by saying: ‘All this proves the principle that the
killing of non-Jews by Jews is a sacred obligation that the Jew should carry out
whenever he can, because, according to the Talmud, his arm is connected to
his body for the sole purpose of killing and not for recreation.'”
The Jewish Ideology of Conflict
“Dr. Muhammad Abu Ghadir, the former head of the Hebrew Language
Department in Al-Azhar University, points out that the Jews believe
wholeheartedly that violence and blood are the only things that safeguard their
Their rabbis, throughout history, were successful in convincing them
that non-belligerence with the surrounding world would lead to their destruction
and that the only way for the Jews to stay alive is to follow the dictates of their
holy books concerning the obligation to carry on the conflict with all other
nations and to intensify the conflict with relatively weak nations.
“When they see a nation stronger than them, every Jew has a daily obligation
to make every effort so that this nation should be weakened to the point that in
the end it collapses, or at least becomes weaker than the Jewish nation, so that
they may then eliminate it completely.
“The books of the Jewish religion say that in ancient times God addressed his
Jewish worshiper, saying: ‘You must have an enemy, and if you do not have
one, create one so that you can defeat him and kill him and gain God’s goodwill
and His reward.’
If we examine the word ‘killing’ in the books of the Jewish religion, we
find that it is repeated tens and hundreds of times, which indicates to us the
enormity of terrorism in Zionist religious thought, especially when we realize
that 80% of the religious verses demand of the Jews to kill non-Jews, and even
the sentences and the verses that do not talk about killing, and talk about, for
instance, God giving the land to the Jews and not to others, you can find
between the lines a clear call to the Jews to use all kinds of ploys and tricks to
annihilate non-Jews who live on this earth, so that the Jews may take control
over it…”
‘The Talmudic Dictates Urge Jews to Draw the Blood of Muslims and Christians
for Religious Rituals’
“Dr. Jama al-Husseini Abu Farha, instructor in theology at the University of
Suez, points out that what the media shows us every day about Israeli conduct
in the occupied territories is no different than what their history shows us about
their inhumane practices towards humanity as a whole.
One need only point out that they are ‘blood suckers’ according to the
Talmudic dictates, which urge them to murder and draw the blood of Muslims
in particular, and Christians even more so, and to use this blood in religious
Israeli rituals.
“Jewish terrorism reached the point of underscoring that the Ten
Commandments – as they claim – assert the right of Jews to plunder and steal
non-Jewish money and to see their blood, honor and properties as fair game
and to lend them money at interest so long as they do not convert to
‘The Word Jew in English Means Trickery, Deceit and Deception’
“Zionist terrorism is not confined just to their religious doctrines; even their
language reflects their radicalism and their terrorism. The Hebrew language
includes many proofs of the truth of Zionist terrorism. The word ‘Jew’ … is
used in the English language to mean ’trickery, deceit and deception,’ all of
which signify cunning and slyness.
It is strange that the Jews know this very well but did not try to object
to it. The Oxford dictionary says that there are words related to the word
‘Jew,’ among them ‘cheat,’ ‘offensive,’ and ‘grasping,’ and all of them mean
greedy, covetous, cheating, counterfeiting, aggressive, and annoying. This link
between the word ‘Jew’ and all these meanings certainly reflects the image of
the Jewish way of thinking from an English point of view, and it is undoubtedly
a bad image which does not reflect the opinion of one person only but
the opinion of anyone who speaks English…”
Disseminating Blood Libels
“Since admission is the highest form of evidence, we will present to the reader
a letter of confession written by the Jewish Rabbi known as ‘Neophytos the
Convert .'(4)
The letter has to do with the Jews slaughtering non-Jews, draining their
blood, and using it for Talmudic religious rituals. Neophytos called his letter
‘The Secret of the Blood’; in it he said that ‘from a young age, the Jewish
Rabbis teach their students how to use non-Jews’ blood to treat illnesses and
for sorcery…
“‘The Rabbis use this blood in various religious rituals, among them weddings
when an egg is smeared with blood and the married couple eats it the night of
the wedding, which gives them the power to deceive and trick anyone who is
not Jewish.
Also, the Rabbis use the blood of the non-Jewish victim to treat some
illnesses that afflict the Rabbis. They mix some of the blood with the blood of a
circumcised baby, then brush it on his throat in order to purify him, and also
anoint their temples with it to commemorate the destruction of the Temple
every year; anoint the chests of their dead so that God will
forgive them their sins; it is also mixed in the holiday bread and in many other
Talmudic rituals.’
“Therefore, these rituals that were mentioned in the Talmud and which reflect
the truth about the present Jewish terrorist way of thinking are certainly
implemented from time to time, while they do not hesitate to distort the image
of Islam and describe it as a terrorist faith.”
(1) Samir Ragheb, who is the chairman of the board of directors of
Aqidati, is also the editor of the government paper Al-Gomhuriya.
(2) For more on Blood Libels, see MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 107,
French Legal Authorities Investigating Editor of Major Egyptian Daily for
Antisemitism, September 6, 2002,
Special Dispatch No. 201, The Blood Libel Again in Egypt’s Government Press,
April 2, 2001,
MEMRI Special Dispatch 150, Leading Egyptian Newspaper raises Blood Libel,
November 6, 2000,
MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 454, Egypt’s Response to Accusations of Arab
Media Antisemitism, January 3, 2003,
(3) Al-Gomhuriya (Egypt), August 10, 2004.
(4) The Orthodox monk Neophytos was a Jew by the name of Noah
Belfer who converted to Christianity and claimed that the Jews use Christian
blood in their religious rituals. His work, which was first published in 1803 in
Romanian and appeared in many later publications, became a main source for
modern blood libels. See: Jonathan Frankel, The Damascus Affair ‘Ritual
Murder,’ Politics, and the Jews in 1840. Cambridge University Press (1997), p.