Communicated by Israeli security sources, January 14, 2003
The phenomenon of the exploitation of children by terrorist organizations for the
purposes of carrying out terrorist attacks and suicide bombings has risen to
prominence, once again, following the capture of two children this week (11
January) in the midst of committing an attack.
The children, aged 8 and 14, were armed with knives and were
apprehended in the community of Netzarim, as they attempted to stab
passersby. In recent months, hundreds of Israeli civilians have been killed and
many more wounded as a result of Palestinian terrorist attacks.
The following is a review of the findings of the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) on
the issue of the exploitation of children for the purposes of executing such attacks:
- The guiding principle: Terrorist organizations exploit the innocent
appearance of children who do not arouse suspicion and can easily blend in
among the crowds. Furthermore, the terrorist organizations view children and
youths as the most convenient recruits for suicide bombing missions, since they
are easily influenced. A considerable number of children and youths have been
apprehended by Israeli security forces before they could carry out terrorist
attacks. - The indoctrination: The terrorist organizations uproot the children from
their homes and families. Resorting to brainwashing and religious indoctrination,
they incite the children to carry out terrorist attacks. The children are persuaded
that if they do so, they will be granted paradise in the hereafter.Salah Shehadeh, one of the Hamas leaders in Gaza, who was killed
recently, stated in an interview on the internet site Islam Online (May 26,
2002), that children should be trained properly prior to the execution of terrorist
attacks, and that they should be enlisted in a special branch of the military arm
of the organization, so that they are imbued with the values of the armed jihad,
and are taught to distinguish between good and evil. Remarks of this kind are
an important factor in the persuasion of parents to send their children to carry
out terrorist attacks. - The motivation and scope: On June 27, 2002, the official Palestinian
Television broadcast a film entitled “Child Martyrs and Lovers of their
Homeland.” Dr. Fatal Abu Hin, a lecturer in psychology, was interviewed during
the film, and spoke about the growing phenomenon of the involvement of
children in violent incidents. Abu Hin noted that the word “Shahada”
(martyrdom) carries a number of meanings for the Palestinian child, specifically,
and for Islamic society, in general. He maintained that the Palestinian child
understands that through Shahada, he can win honour and respect, and that
this phenomenon drives children to take an active part in violent events.Abu Hin presented a survey carried out by the Islamic University in Gaza,
in April 2001, which focused on a group of one thousand youngsters from
Gaza, in the 9-16 age bracket. The survey findings indicated that of those
questioned, 45 per cent had taken an active role in the violence. In addition, 73
per cent of the youngsters stated that they wanted to become martyrs. These
findings clearly indicate that children and youth in the West Bank and Gaza
have been radicalized, and that they are easy prey for the terrorist organizations
that exploit them to perpetrate terrorist atrocities.During the film, the narrator states that “the hearts of the Palestinian
children are filled not only with anxiety and fear, but also with a strong will to
achieve Shahada (martyrdom)”, and that “martyrdom has become the noblest
aim and most admirable deed of this generation”. The narrator adds,
“Martyrdom has become the greatest aspiration for many children who believe
that this is the way to win prestige, and to be immortalized among their people.” - Educating for martyrdom: In addition to the encouragement of children
through the media, the Palestinian educational institutions and summer camps
are also involved in inciting, brainwashing and indoctrinating Palestinian children
and youth. Children are indoctrinated with extreme Islamic ideas, calling for
support and encouragement of the Jihad against Israel.At the beginning of July, the Islamic Movement in Gaza launched its
summer camps, named The Al Aqsa Intifada Martyrs Summer Camp. The Al
Quds newspaper carried an article on July 2 by Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Bakhar, the
Chairman of the Islamic Movement, in which he wrote that the leaders of the
Movement have made efforts to hold the summer camps in spite of the conflict,
out of a belief in the values instilled in the Palestinian children at the camps. In
addition, the Hamas summer camps are popular with children, where they are
given uniforms, shoes and exercise books. The organizers of the camps also
show warmth towards the children. Secular children also participate in the
camps, because of the varied attractions on offer. At the camps, the children
are taught about the history of Islam, and pictures of martyrs are hung in every
place. In this way, the seeds of hatred towards Israel are planted in the children. - Official and parental complicity: The Palestinian Authority Ministry for
Youth and Sport also oversees summer camps that are designed to recruit
children to carry out attacks against Israel. At the camps, the children are
subject to incitement, and are trained to use weapons for future attacks against
Israel.In many cases, Palestinian children dress up as a “shaheed” (martyr)
with their parents’ consent. Indeed, these children are often encouraged to do
so by their parents. More and more cases are coming to light of children
participating in processions, wearing replicas of explosive belts and inscriptions
declaring that they are martyrs. This brings to mind the photograph of the baby
recently discovered in Hebron. The photograph showed a baby wearing a
replica explosive belt and a headband declaring that the baby was a martyr for
“Allah”. There is no doubt that this phenomenon has a destructive influence on
the education of children who are instilled with the culture of the Jihad. These
children are then easily recruited by terrorist organizations for the purpose of
carrying out attacks. - Childhood as terrorist camouflage: It is not only the children who are
exploited by the terrorists. Children’s accessories and toys are used by
terrorists to disguise their activities. In addition, the terrorists try to camouflage
their activities by operating close to schools and kindergartens.Following questioning conducted by the ISA and in the wake of various
findings, it has emerged that the various terrorist organizations have used
children’s schoolbags and toys to conceal explosives. At first glance, these
innocent looking items did not appear suspicious, yet they contained
explosives, and were intended for use against Israeli civilians and other targets.Thus, during an IDF operation in the town of Kalkilya on April 26, 2002,
three explosives laboratories were found, containing many weapons, explosive
belts, other explosives and charges, hand grenades and ammunition. Most
notably, a child’s schoolbag containing explosive charges ready for use was
also found. - Hiding behind children: During questioning conducted by the ISA, senior
terrorist operatives revealed that they tend to locate the explosives laboratories
close to schools and kindergartens, in order to conceal their terrorist activity. In
this way, the terrorist organizations directly endanger the lives of Palestinian
children.Salim Haja, a senior Hamas operative arrested during Operation
Defensive Shield, admitted during questioning that he placed a bomb laboratory
close to a school, and that the operatives in the laboratory were disguised as
pupils carrying schoolbags and books. The equipment in the laboratories
included test tubes, glass instruments, gas masks and raw materials for the
production of explosives. The laboratories were aired through the opening of
windows. By locating the bomb laboratory close to the school, the pupils
nearby were exposed to many dangers, including exploding charges during
tests, work accidents in the course of the production of explosives and
exposure to hazardous materials. The operatives exploited the innocent
appearance of the pupils arriving at school, in order to conceal their activities.Ahmed Muarbi, a senior Tanzim operative from Bethlehem, arrested on
May 27, 2002, admitted during questioning by the ISA that he established his
bomb laboratory in the Dehaishe Refugee Camp next to a kindergarten. Ahmed
and his fellow operatives prepared explosives and conducted tests in the laboratory. - All the aforementioned activities referred to in this review are prohibited
by international law, they pose a threat to the well-being and safety of
Palestinian children and they must be severely and unequivocally condemned.
Pressure must be brought to bear on the Palestinians to stop this activity