August 18, 2002
The Islamic Jihad is running a summer school – to teach boys the benefits of
becoming suicide bombers.
A new generation of children, Palestinian boys aged between 12 and 15
years old, is growing up amid conflict and violence.
The militant group has a sworn mission to wage a holy war against Israel. The
boys are told not only that it is good to kill, but also that it is good to die.
They learn that suicide bomb attacks have proved the most deadly way
to hit the Israelis.
Mohammed, a 14-year-old boy, draws himself with explosives strapped to his
body, ready to blow himself to pieces if it means killing Jews.
“Yes,” he says, when asked if he wants to be a suicide bomber. “I want
to liberate Palestine and be part of the revolution.”
The boys are told that it is good to kill and good to die
The boys are shown pictures of those who have already died in the conflict
with Israel.
They are taught that to give their lives is to be guaranteed a place in
And to be a suicide bomber is one of the highest forms of martyrdom.
They will be greeted in paradise by 70 virgins.
“We are teaching the children that suicide bombing is the only thing that make
the Israeli people very frightened. Furthermore, we are teaching them that we
have the right to do it,” said Islamic Jihad member Mohammed el Hattab, one
of the teachers on the programme.
“We are teaching them that after the suicide attacks, the man who
makes it goes to the highest state in paradise,” he said.
Israelis appalled
For the Israelis all of this is appalling.
They say it is clear evidence that a new generation is being brought up
to hate and to kill and they are demanding that it must stop.
Israeli Education Minister Limor Livnat told the BBC: “Poisoned pens make
poisoned minds, and poisoned minds lead to violence, to terror attacks, to the
killing of Israelis.”