IMRA, April 28, 2002
While The Saudi Prince may follow the script his American public
relations advisors prepared for his trip to America, it is business as usual back
in Saudi Arabia]
GMP20020421000047 Middle East–FBIS Report in Arabic 19 Apr 2002
. May God’s curses follow them until the Day of Judgment.” He says:
“The conflict is exploding and magnifying, the exploitation and greed are
increasing, and the indulgence in humbling Arabs and Muslims and their holy
places has become very serious by the world rodents that have revoked pacts
and agreements. Treachery, sabotage, and cunning dominate their minds and
injustice and tyranny flow in their veins. They cannot but remain arrogant,
reckless, corrupt, and harmful. Thus, they deserve the curse of God, His
angels, and all people.”
The imam continues: “When the Islamic nation turned to peace to achieve the
higher interests and avoid great corruption, the Jews did not. It is not strange.
After all, it is peace with a party that only wants to liquidate its opponents,
usurp their land, displace their people, tamper with their economy, cancel their
honor, violate their sovereignty, and dismember their bodies.
“The nation must know that these are people with a disgraceful history and a
black record. They cannot but insist on their greed. May God not fulfill their
aim. They want to establish Greater Israel with Jerusalem as its capital. They
also aspire to demolish Al-Aqsa Mosque and build their alleged temple in its
place. They want to liquidate the State of Islam and Koran, and build the State
of the Torah and Talmud on its debris. They will get what they deserve from
“Goodbye to the peace initiatives with a people with these habits, ambitions,
and plots throughout history. The incidents witnessed by the Palestinian areas
over the past several days – the horrific scenes, the horrendous tragedies , and the massacres caused by armored cars, rockets and
tanks leaving behind charred bodies and skulls, siege and destitution, death and
destruction in an ugly genocide, blatant violation of human values, and the
practice of state terrorism by world Zionism – shall not be forgotten by history.”
The imam says: “The land is drenched with the pure blood of our brothers and
sisters in struggler Palestine. They were killed like sheep. Scores of mosques
were destroyed, hundreds of houses were demolished, and thousands of souls
were killed. How many women have been widowed, children orphaned, and
mass graves dug? Until when will this humiliation, weakness, and capitulation
continue? Is it not time this humiliation ended, this weakness and submission
stopped, and the long night cleared? Would our nation rise from its slumber?”
“This is a sincere call to all Muslim leaders: Save Palestine before it is lost?
Save Al-Aqsa Mosque before it is eliminated. The one who wages this fierce
war as a racist genocide and the one who stands behind it will not escape from
the grip of God. He also will not be safe from the indignation of peoples and the
vengeance of history.
“It is a tragedy that the tongue fails to depict. The heart breaks down when
reviewing its incidents and the words fail to mention its tragedies and speak
about its dimensions and dangers. It is a tragedy by all
standards and a problem by all criteria. Only God will deal with it. O God, we
pray for your mercy. O God, save us. This tragedy is best proof of the
character of these people and what they harbor for our nation and holy places.
It is a tragedy that makes us weep. Innocent people are being killed at the
hands of Zionist murderers, the heirs of Nazism and Fascism. What right do
they have in Palestine, which is the historical land of the Arabs and Muslims
until the Day of Judgment? It has acquired a high place among Muslims since
the beginning of history. In fact, it is part of their beliefs and a trust in their
hands. They will not relinquish a single inch of this land, God willing, as long as
their hearts continue to beat. The right which the Jews claim in Palestine is a
baseless myth and unjustifiably arrogant.
“Five decades have passed over this great Muslim cause while tragedies renew
day after day,” the imam says and asks: “Where are the Muslims? The incidents
have opened wounds. Where are Khalid , Al-Muthanna, and Salah
? What has happened to our nation? Can we live happily, rest in peace,
or hold our tears while our holy places are groaning, our Jerusalem is pleading,
our Palestine is calling, and our Al-Aqsa is crying out saying all mosques have
been liberated, while I – a great holy mosque – am still being desecrated?
“All this is happening within the sight and hearing of the world. It is as if
Muslims are not considered? Where is the world with its organizations? Where
are their Security Council and United Nations? Where are they from the
weeping of widows and orphans, the usurpation of land, and the desecration of
sanctuaries? Hail to steadfast Janin and lofty Nabulus. Where are the false
human rights slogans and organizations? What is world conscience? Where is
the political and economic boycott against the war criminals and those who
slight international norms and resolutions?
“O decisionmakers, O leaders of the world, O men of opinion, O you who claim
to fight terrorism, what do you call what these criminals are doing to Muslims in
Palestine? You should be ashamed of yourselves to call the rightful owners and
fighters against injustice, tyranny, and occupation terrorists? Is the aspiration of
over 1 billion Muslims to preserve their holy places considered savagery and
terrorism? What a great lie, O God.
“O steadfast brothers in struggler and steadfast Palestine, the land of honor,
loftiness, sacrifice, jihad, and bravery; O kinfolk in the blessed land of Palestine;
O beloved people in the land of the night journey and the ascension to the
heavens, we are sorry if you found only defeatism and slackness from many of
the sons of your nation. The captivity of our Al-Aqsa in the hands of the tyrants
makes us sleepless. May God please us with its liberation.”
The imam continues: “Be patient, O steadfast people, your blessed intifadah has
written with the letters of dignity, victory, and honor, one of the most splendid
epics in modern history. You have restored hope in the hearts. Trust in God’s
victory for you, as long as you stand by His religion. If you support God, He will
support you and strengthen your position. Our hearts are with you and God is
your supporter. We will make donations. Continue on the path and maintain
your resolve. Congratulations to you for offering your souls so cheaply for the
sake of God. We pray to God to accept your dead as martyrs, grant immediate
recovery to your wounded, and make you and us live a happy life. Don’t give
up your trust in God. Victory is coming soon, God willing.”
“God is great. Here are the flags of victory looming on the horizon. We can
smell it. It is crowned by a brave jihad, an intifadah, which is still the winning
card and the lit candle in the hands of the devout sons of this nation. The policy
of arm-twisting and all forms of arrogance and oppression have not succeeded
with the intifadah. They are lives that are falling for the sake of God’s religion
and word.”
If emotion seems to characterize the presentation of this cause, the imam
notes, our minds and wisdom must dominate so that it will not deviate from
existing laws and fall in the hands of false strugglers and sensationalist
anarchists. He says: “O nation of jihad and sacrifice, it is the duty of Muslims to
support their brethren in creed in Palestine and elsewhere and to back them
with material and moral support. Jihad with money sometimes supersedes jihad
with soul, as mentioned in many Koranic verses and the prophet’s traditions.”
The imam says that what calls for optimism is this official and public
interaction, sympathy, and fraternal bond by our Islamic nation with their
Muslim brethren in Palestine. The campaigns of public donation have been most
admirable and it is hoped that there would be more, he says, adding: “Muslims
are called upon to continue these blessed charity campaigns in support of Islam
and Muslims and in defense of our holy places.”
Concluding, the imam prays deeply for the salvation of the Palestinian people.
He prays to God to deal with the Jews, free Al-Aqsa Mosque from them, lower
their flags, and make them a lesson for others.
Saudi Telethon Host Calls for Enslaving Jewish Women
From the Saudi Information Service.
This article taken from National Review April 26, 2002
(WASHINGTON DC) April 26, 2002.
The Saudi Information Agency has obtained a tape by prominent government
official cleric Shaikh Saad Al-Buraik calling for enslaving Jewish women. The
tape is called “a Monkey Desecrates Mosque,” and was delivered in a Riyadh
government mosque. The monkey refers to Jews.
Al-Buraik, a Wahhabi cleric, is closely tied to Prince AbdulAziz Ben Fahd, the
king’s youngest son, and member of the Saudi delegation accompanying Crown
Prince Abdullah on his current visit.
Al-Buraik was the host of the two-day long telethon raising funds for
Palestinians, which raised $109 million. He is also the host of “Religion and
Life,” a program on government television Channel One and on MBC television
owned by Prince AbdulAziz Ben Fahd. Al-Buraik said on the tape that the
money raised would go to Palestinian fighters.
The following are excerpts of the tape:
On the situation in the Palestinian areas he said:
Oh Believer, it’s a wish, as much as it is pains, but we have hopes that the
situation in Palestine will explode. No one dies before their day. How many
Muslims have died in Chechnya, Bosnia, Kashmir, and Kosovo!!
Is it too dear to us that among our honorable beloved die as martyrs? Their
death dates were written before their birth. That they die as martyrs. “Say even
if were at your home, those who will die will walk to their death.”
Which is a better choice, to die on your bed, or to die perseverant, fighting, not
retreating. Which is better to suffer long before death many days, or taste
death quickly?
Which is better to suffer a slow death, or die as a martyr in your way to
heaven. A death that you will be forgiven on the first drop of your blood.
When life became perishes we started to drink humiliation many times over.
Oh Palestinian Authority, don’t you see that you are tested once or twice a
year? Then you don’t learned or repent.
Isn’t time yet to wage jihad, and call for holy war. Isn’t time that Muslim
countries which normalized relations with the Jews to cancel everything that
happened from Madrid to Oslo, and Why River, which forbids the supplying of
weapons to Muslims in Palestine?
The agreements which canceled jihad, and disassociation from non-Muslims,
should all be demolished.
It’s a call to close all embassies opened for the Jews in the land of Islam; it is
call to end normalization with Israel.
What international resolution that the Jew respected, prepared by Christians.
On Jews and Christians he said: People should know that Jews are backed by
the Christians, and the battle that we are going through is not with Jews only,
but also with those who believe that Allah is a third in a Trinity, and those who
said that Jesus is the son of Allah, and Allah is Jesus, the son of Mary.
About America he said:
I am against America until this life ends, until the Day of Judgment;
I am against America even if the stone liquefies
My hatred of America, if part of it was contained in the universe, it would
She is the root of all evils, and wickedness on earth.
Who else implanted the tyrants in our land, who else nurtured oppression?
Oh Muslim Ummah don’t take the Jews and Christians as allies.
Jewish women as slaves he says: Muslim Brothers in Palestine, do not have
any mercy neither compassion on the Jews, their blood, their money, their
flesh. Their women are yours to take, legitimately. God made them yours. Why
don’t you enslave their women? Why don’t you wage jihad? Why don’t you
pillage them?