Official Palestine radio Voice of Palestine, December 28, 2001
Excerpts from a sermon delivered at the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.
“The infidel countries, led by the United States, invented the excuse and
justification for their dirty war against Islam, Muslims, and Islamic movements
all over the world, following the attack against it . The US used, in its
criminal aggression against Afghanistan, the most destructive bombs there are.
Criminal Britain, which was directly responsible for the creation of this
corrupt entity on Palestinian land, is demanding that the Palestinians
destroy its Islamic groups. Britain has forgotten that it is the peak of terrorism
and of hatred against Islam and Muslims.”
“Oh believers! … Do the Muslims of today know how to realize Allah’s path,
and to turn only to Allah? Not to turn to the evil United States, or to Europe, so
filled with hatred toward Islam and Muslims? The United States will not be of
use to you at all compared with Allah, since they cannot
defend or help themselves! If you understand this, you will see that you have
no one else but Allah.
“Wake up, Muslims, from your slumber! Unite! Forget your differences. After
Afghanistan will come the turn of every one of your own countries. The
enemies of Islam want to break your strength everywhere in the world.”