Resolutions adopted at the European Likud Conference
Brussels 12-14th November 1999
The European Likud conference included delegations from the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Holland, Hungry, Italy, Israel, Luxembourg, Spain,
Sweden and Switzerland.
This Conference calls on all Jews who believe in the rights of the Jewish
people to the land of Israel & to live in any part of the Land of Israel to unite under
the banner of ‘Am Yisrael Lem’an Eretz Yisrael’, the Eretz Yisrael Movement.
The Conference adopted a number of resolutions including:
The Human rights of the Jewish people
- The policies of Governments in not recognising Jerusalem as the Capital
of the State of Israel and the Jewish people – is an attack and denial of
everything that Judaism stands for. - Statements that it is illegal for Jews to live in any part of Jerusalem
or anywhere in the Land of Israel is a denial of the basic human rights of
the Jewish people to live in their place of choice especially in their own
Homeland. - These policies of Governments in Europe or anywhere in the world are
advocating transfer of Jews and ethnic cleansing and are racist. - Policies which are completely unacceptably everywhere in the world
unfortunately except when they apply to Jews.
European Likud Policy
- Principles
- Likud Europe abides by the teaching and Legacy of Zeev Jabotinsky
- Upholds the inalienable right of the Jewish people to live in the whole
of Eretz Yisrael. - Supports the ingathering of the Jewish people into a fully sovereign
Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael. - Upholds that Eretz Yisrael is the inalienable indivisible and eternal
land of the Jewish people.
- Current affairs
- Likud Europe aspires to a peaceful co-existence with the Arab neighbours
of Israel and this can only happen within the territorial integrity of
Eretz Yisrael. Only this will guarantee real security for Israel. - Upholds that Jerusalem is the Eternal, United and indivisible Capital of
Israel and the Jewish people - Supports the construction of the new Jewish towns and villages and the
strengthening of existing Jewish towns and villages in all areas of Eretz
Yisrael, especially Judea, Samaria and Gaza. - Insists on freedom of access and worship to all religious sites wherever
they are. - Demands to re-establish the freedom of access and worship at religious
sites throughout Eretz Yisrael in both Medinat Yisrael and areas currently
under control of the ‘Palestinian Authority’. - Demands that the Israel Government permit freedom of access by Jews to
the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and remove control of access and worship to
the mount from the WAQF/PLO/PA and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. - Oppose any policy which involves the surrender by Israel of her
sovereignty of any further land in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan. - Condemns the appeasement of Arab terrorists and the release of terrorists.
- Opposes the establishment of an independent Palestinian State.
- Likud Europe aspires to a peaceful co-existence with the Arab neighbours
- Internal Israeli Affairs
- Likud Europe demands a halt to the re-writing of Jewish and Zionist
history falsification and the self-denigrating in the latest schoolbooks
handed out by the Ministry of Education. - Aims to promote tolerance and understanding between Israelis of all
backgrounds and opinions in the interest of maintaining the unity of the
Jewish people. - To support the strengthening of Jewish values within Israel and to
oppose those elements within Israel who wish to undermine religion in the
State especially within the education system.
- Likud Europe demands a halt to the re-writing of Jewish and Zionist
- Freedom
- Likud Europe demands the release of the 4 Israeli soldiers still missing
in action – Ron Arad, Zachary Baumel, Zvi Feldman and Yehuda Katz. It
demands that this should be an integral part and condition in any further
negotiations with Lebanon, Syria and the ‘Palestinian Authority’. - Demands religious and political freedom for all Jews in the world and
insists on the release of all Jews wrongfully imprisoned, wherever they are
including the 13 imprisoned Iranian Jews. - Demands the immediate release of Jonathan Pollard from prison in the
United States.
- Likud Europe demands the release of the 4 Israeli soldiers still missing