Zionist Organization of America press release, October 29, 1999
By a margin of 68% to 14%, the Israeli public agrees with Israeli Foreign Minister David
Levy’s recent statement that if Yasir Arafat and the Palestinian Authority fail to fulfill
their Oslo-Wye accords obligation to outlaw terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic
Jihad and seize the more than 40,000 weapons held by the terrorists, Israel
“cannot move forward with the Oslo process.”
The poll, which was taken by Gallup on October 27, 1999, was commissioned by the
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). Gallup interviewed a representative sample of 501
Israeli adults. It was the latest in a series of Gallup poll sponsored by the ZOA to assess
Israeli public opinion.
Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy told a meeting of Jewish leaders in New York on
September 28, 1999 that Israel is insisting that the PA:
“must fulfill all its obligations,
and the United States must stand firm in demanding that the PA fulfill them.”
Levy said that Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has privately promised Israel
“that she will make sure the PA keeps its obligations.”
Levy said “the U.S. must speak out openly in demanding that the PA honor its
commitments.” and
“If they don’t ban terror groups and get rid of illegal weapons, we cannot
move forward.”