Palestinian officials about Clinton
Communicated by the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel, August 24, 1998
I. Senior PA Official: Clinton is “a terrorist” (August 24, 1998)
Following are two recent references by senior Palestinian officials to the
US missile strikes against Sudan and Afghanistan:
- August 24, 1998 interview on Israel Army radio with Sufian Abu Zaida,
head of the PA’s Israel desk:“Question: Tell me, does the Palestinian Authority support the American
action against targets in Sudan and Afghanistan?
Sufian Abu Zaida: Of course not. Of course not…. We do not agree and we
shall not agree. I do not think it would be right for us to agree with the
American attack on Afghanistan and Sudan. It would be a disgrace if a
Palestinian or an Arab were to agree to this, since there was no proof. The
United States can not be both the guardian of law in the world and the one
who enforces it.Question: …So you come and say that we can not totally rely on American
Sufian Abu Zaida: That is the answer. That is the answer – to kill Sudanese
and Afghan civilians – that is the answer? Let us say that Bin Laden is a
terrorist, let’s assume that he is a terrorist and that he did it. So
Clinton is also a terrorist who kills Afghan and Sudanese innocents. That
is the answer?!” - Interview on August 21, 1998 with Secretary-General of the PA Cabinet
Ahmad Abd al-Rahman on the official PA radio station the Voice of Palestine:“These air operations against a sovereign country like Sudan and also
against a sovereign country like Afghanistan are a serious precedent in
international relations. It is an aggression against the sovereignty of
these countries…. I say that this precedent might open the door to the
return of the law of the jungle governing relations among countries… We
view these efforts as harmful to peace efforts, to stability in the Middle
East. They also show that some quarters in the US administration might be
more inclined to adopt the policy of force instead of the policy of
settling issues peacefully.”
II. Official PA Newspaper: America is to Blame for the Africa Bombings
(August 17, 1998)
Following are three recent references in the official Palestinian media to
the bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania:
- Excerpts from an August 14, 1998 article in the official Palestinian
Authority (PA) newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda by the paper’s editor Hafez al-Barghouti:“One should not be surprised by the attacks and the anti-American violence.
The Americans are the ones who created this violence and utilized it for a
long period of time. They have no one to blame but themselves.” - Excerpts from the August 15, 1998 editorial of the official Palestinian
Authority (PA) newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda:“The Israeli haste in sending a rescue team to Africa with American
approval was in order to create solidarity among the victims for Israel…
What the Israelis are doing is attempting to Judaize every tragedy on the
face of the earth and erase the ongoing tragedies occurring to the
Palestinian people. This is a despicable act from the point of view of
turning the facts on their head, exploiting emotions and directing
accusations at the victim. It is giving credit to the hangmen, the
murderers and the thieves who have stolen land.” - Excerpts from a Friday sermon by Sheikh Khayam al-Adrissi at the Al-Aksa
Mosque broadcast on August 14, 1998 on the official PA radio station the
Voice of Palestine:“We say to the United States: If you are not willing to accept a protest
letter at your consulate in eastern Jerusalem and you are not willing to accept the explosions at your embassies
and consulates, then how can the oppressed and the swindled make their
voices heard?… racist oppression and pro-Israel policy, and
its support for the occupation will not in the end lead to the safeguarding
of American interests… I say to the Arab and Islamic nation that history
proves that the fate of those who exploited and behaved corruptly with
Jerusalem was always destruction. This too will be the fate of the Jews…”III. Official PA Newspaper: AIPAC is Behind Monica Lewinsky’s Stained Dress
to Reduce Pressure on Israel (August 23, 1998)Following are excerpts from an August 21, 1998 article in the official
Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda:“One who knows the anonymous soldiers who set the Monica-gate scandal in
motion, and one who knows the power of the Zionist lobby in the United
States and the operational methods of Jewish pressure groups who blackmail
American presidents, knows that what is currently happening is little more
than the use of democracy in the service of the conspiracy. The pretty
President charged with engaging in relations with a former White House
intern upon her consent, or perhaps her initiative, is not a skirt-chaser
as he is described in the American media, which is controlled and managed
by the Jews… President Clinton is an angel compared to President Kennedy
and his brothers… but Marilyn Monroe did not approach an independent
prosecutor to litigate the president because she was not a Jew of Polish
background and was not connected to AIPAC and Jewish pressure groups.There was a need to reduce the American pressure on the Israeli government,
and there was a need to convey a clear message to Clinton that he can not
boycott Netanyahu and refuse his calls, and there was a need for the
American administration to forget its initiative for an Israeli withdrawal
from the occupied Palestinian lands and to forget its positive initiative
to lessen the pressure on Iraq, and so the stained dress was pulled out of
the AIPAC warehouse.”